Saturday 14 July 2007

Pub Update

I have been a little lacking on commenting about the goings on in said boozer of late, so here is an update. It's still open. There you go!

Joking apart, Di and Jez are doing a great job, but today I hear MY parking space outside the front door is to be taken up by tables, so people who SMOKE may sit outside in comfort!
Now, I have nothing against smoking, and Di has said she wants to make the front of the pub look nicer, and more appealing.(It needs it), but my drop off point! This means I'll have to use the bloody tradesmans entrance around the back!!
What sort of treatment is this? I think they want to give me a bit more exercise!

Trigger was on fair form today, in between nipping out for a fag, so we didn't actually see too much of him. Maybe this smoking ban's not such a bad thing after all!
Obe Wan bought me some of his home-grown new potatoes in today, they are gorgeous, with butter!! Tomorrow we have curried something -or-other. It could be road kill for all I know!
Dad's still reading the cars' instruction manual, I shall leave him to it!

nite, nite.


Shaz said...

Us Bl**dy smokers! first we rule the pub for years & now we've invaded the car park, cheek! I'd get someone to paint a "smoke free parking sign" at the front door x x x x

Unknown said...

Shaz, welcome, damn smokers, 2 weeks on Thursday since the last one.

Anonymous said...

You know what I want? A world where all people can smoke *and* use the main entrance...

Ima dreamer.

Beccy said...

John I'd be up in arms...surely you are their most loyal customer? Tradesman entrance indeed, they should be laying out the red carpet for you!

Jon M said...

Never mind John, the weathers so bad, nobody will want to sit outside and anyway, it'll be winter soon again...My glass is always Half empty! Not:-)

Unknown said...

Kristin, I did enjoy my cigs, but no more!

Beccy, exactly!!

Jon m, I don't give a sh*t now, it's just the principle!