General Drivel.
I have had a few problems with the 'puter. I couldn't instal Windows upgrades, even though all is genuine,(honest).
I contacted Windows and was put through to a very polite and articulate Indian sounding man by the name of Frank Martin,(I kid you not). He ran through a few questions and said it was the AVG free edition I was running that had let some viruses in.
So, after tampering with my computer for 3 hours and me paying £100.00 for 2 years monthly clean up work and check my 'puter is flying! It may sound a lot, but it's put my mind at ease.
Oh, and I couldn't access my blog! After a few minutes checking round the tinternet I found that upgrading to Internet Explorer 9 cured it!
I also enjoyed a delicious Roast lamb and all the veg lunch from the pub! *burp*, pardon me.
Bummer! Well, at least you are now sorted and Frank Martin earned his wages.
I got rid of AVG few moths ago as it did not seem to be helping but just causing trouble and strife.
I got fed up with Microsoft and all it's crashes, hangups, collapsed firewall and leaky antivirus programs so I switched to Linux. I was worried about wiping the hard drive clean and installing a new operating system, but everything works just fine and it doesn't cost anything to download programs or pay for expensive clean-ups.
Phewwww. Isn't that how you feel now? Phew!
I found me a really cool computer guy so these days I don't fret so much. Now I can go worry that he goes on holiday when I need him...argh.
GG, I'm sure you will manage!
I use Norton and feel fairly secure although have lots of problems.
Pat, Norton succeeds in slowing your machine down,I ditched it ages ago.
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