A small conundrum for you budding sleuths out in the blogosphere!
Firstly, a mobile phone.
Secondly, a mug of coffee.
Thirdly, a sim card.
What happens next?
There is also the added question. Whodunnit?
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Thursday, March 19, 2009
You dropped your phone in the coffee and ruined the sim card.
Sorry Chris!
What happens next? A highly charged call to the phone company?
Actually - I've heard putting the phone in a bag of rice will help dry it out and work again.
Nothing to do with the phone company, Karmyn!
Did it go anything like this?
you spilled a coffee over the phone while putting in the sim card? geez I don't know LOL
Mr. Farty, er......no!
Wendy, no, sorry!
Di thought the phone was a biscuit and dipped it into the coffee. Realising what she had done she tried to save her SIM card by prising it out with a large screwdriver and snapped it in two! (The card, not the screwdriver!)
reckons Helen Back is spot-on.
Helen Back is wrong!
And, so ergo, is Rantz!
Oh bugger! i was gonna say a coffee-dunked phone too! Hrm... [scratches head...]
The coffee came alive as a sort of slime monster and used the sim card from the mobile phone to create a super weapon and destroy the Earth! I'm right aren't I?
you dunked the sim card in the coffee and then put it in the phone
Is a senior citizen involved here, John?
Someone had just received an upgraded mobile phone, and it took them so long to change the simm card over that their coffee went cold.
(Well that's what happened to me recently anyway!).
I'd guess it was Di??
John - Go to 'Helen Back'. (Hell and back?) You were a bit slow there.
Regards from Stan Still.
I know! Iknow! Di spilled (or is it spilt?) her coffe over the phone and then tried to get the SIM card out and snapped it, and when I was in the pub today talking to John G she said she was going into Lutterworth to buy a new phone. Poor Di.
Talking about blondes, of which Di is one, it was in the paper that blondes are now dying their hair brunette (like Di) so that people wont know how scatter-brained they are (like Di).
I think I just signed my own death warrant!
What do you call it when a blonde dyes her hair brunette?
Artificial intelligence...
(Sorry, had to. It's one of my favorite jokes...)
I was going to say Di, in the pub, with a coffee-soaked cell phone, but that's obviously not right. Was Trigger involved?
Keith has finally sussed it! Took your time dummy!
Close, Maljam!
Mutley, you need to rein in your overactive imagination sometimes!
newwine, welcome! But wrong!
Blazing, no it wasn't Keith!
Debi and Keith - look out!!!!!
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