Breaking newts!
Congratulations to Zoe and the Twat. They have become parents! Dad spotted a Toddlet in the pond this morning. A babies head-wetting will not be needed!
Congratulations to Zoe and the Twat. They have become parents! Dad spotted a Toddlet in the pond this morning. A babies head-wetting will not be needed!
Posted by
Friday, April 27, 2007
the twat's a dad ? nobody told me that hell had frozen over!
Sorry Zoe, I guess Zoe the newt must have been on the lash, and fallen asleep. And..........
she's a virgin. a bit like me.
Ok. Madonna!
Are they newts? They don't really have parents as such John - they do a kind of sperm sprinkling thing then the dad buggers off. If they are fish the news is even worse as they tend to eat their kiddies... Do let me know as I can find no hint of an explanation in previous posts. By the way we share an Aunty - how is that possible?
Never knew that Zoe was a "born-again virgin". I am surprised. Bet Andy is too!
Victor Meldrew
Mutley, welcome. Crikey, I haven't seen Debby does Dallas for years!
But they already have a Todd. Won't a Toddler confuse the issue?
Pat, knowing those two.....NO!
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