Bugger, tagged !
The ever so slightly mad Karmyn has tagged me with this. What would I do if I was rich and famous, what would my demands be?
- Firstly, a Swedish au pair, preferably a practicing nymphomaniac.
- Then, a chef to save Dad cooking!
- A chauffeur to ferry me to the pub and back. (Already got that!). Thanks Dad!
- A cleaner to save Dad doing it. Maybe the au pair could double up?
- Another au pair to cover for the first ones holidays. (I am not too harsh on employees).
- A black Labrador. I really miss my last one!
- Visit all my bloggie friends! That would be tops!!
- Get my body functioning again, like it used to.
- Nothing else, I am pretty happy with my lot.
I thought I was famous !
Joke Tuesday.
What's the difference between PMT & BSE ?
One attacks the cows brain and sends it f*cking mental,and apparently the other is an agricultural problem.......
*I'm off, before the shit hits the fan!*
You little b----r!
Bed and no supper for you!
Ooh that was a naughty one but I had to laugh.
Why has the chicken been in the oven for 8 hours? *BECAUSE IT IS!*
Mental...naaah, just a tad tense ;)
Now does that deserve a comment!!LOL
Practicing nymphomaniac - practice makes perfect. Perfect nymphomaniac!
KB, post holiday blues!
Chrisb, the lol said it all!
Farty, oh for the chance!
hahahaha - nymphomaniacs. Is that every man's dream? Watch out - they'd tire you out.
Hmmm...not sure I understand the joke (LOL)
I'd be thinking of a suitable comeback if I wasn't laughing so much!
You're famous to us John!
a great big blogging party weekend, yeah get rich cant wait!
John, Go for a Polish Au pair.....more value for money.
If I was rich and famous, I would be too busy at the Golf Club, The Rotary Club, the Country Club and the Masonic Lodge drinking with all my new friends from the upper classes to come to that humble pub to constantly buy you beers!
Yep, bring on the blogging party, we could all turn up at your pub one day if you like?
...err... well I could...
Meredic, any time, and bring HC and Sally!
So, I have to ask: here in the States we call it PMS. What's the "T" stand for? (I get the "P" and the "M"...) :^)
#debi, Tension.
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