Nikki has sent me these two photos of Larry. He seems normal enough, as far as horses go. You know, four legs, tail. head. But she did admit the other day that he wasn't the full ticket! I leave it in your hands, bloggers. That's Nikki perched on top.
Posted by
Thursday, September 13, 2007
So what does Nikki think is missing?
Sandy, he doesn't fancy girl horses. I was going to say mares but the last time I called a girl a silly mare she hit me! You can't win in this PC world!
Has he had his bits cut off ?. That would explain his Danny Le Rue act.
Martin, LOL !
Maybe he's just shy! Did you ever see the programme Green Green Grass (a sort of follow up to Fools and horses)...they had a gay bull in that.
I'm so glad that you pointed out the fact that it was Nikki on top. I would never have guessed. It looks like she's blowing you a kiss....lucky swine!
Really handsome beast! Mind you so are most of the gays :)
Keith, easy boy!
KB, I wouldn't know !!
Ruth, a gay bull! Now that's scary!!
Doesn't mean you're a bad person y'know...even if you're a horse...He looks a bit dozy, he's let that woman sit on his back.
I reckon it's his hormones,give him some beer,stick a tele in his stable with the footie on,1 copy of Nuts,1 copy of FHM and 1 copy of Big Girls monthly and he'll be right as rain;-)
Hey - just because a guy is a little on the sensitive side doesn't mean he's gay.
See me know the answer......
The horse was quoting George Michael in a toilet
"I leave it in your hands"
Larry may be dumb but he's beeeautiful not unlike you good self. Duck!
But as a safeguard keep him away from Jim Davidson.
Mum2,Was that a compliment?
Goth, lol!
Karmyn, from the horses mouth!
Phoenix, good thinking!
Jon m, "that woman" owns him/her/it!
john I left a comment yesterday but it's not here now!! I remember it was very a clever retort! but now I'm having a senior moment and it's gone clean out of my dead -damn it!!
Chris, you did, I remember. Riight, who's nicked it?
I'd go with Camp!
PS Or maybe he just hasn't "found" himself yet!
Love the feet!
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